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Python: Finding a line in a file works with windows but not linux

I am attempting to create a piece of code that acts as a dictionary. This is part of a larger project but that seems to be working fine (for now...). I got it working on Windows 10, but once I swapped over to my Ubuntu machine (the end machine where I will run the program), it stopped working with the file I provided. Below is my code for this little bit of fun.

def commandDefineWord(request):         # NOT WORKING
    vanillaRequest = request.split(' ')
    clearRequest = (request.lower()).split(' ');

    if ((clearRequest[0] == "what") and (clearRequest[1] == "is") and (clearRequest[2] == "the")
        and (clearRequest[3] == "definition") and (clearRequest[4] == "for")):
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];      # Lots of extra word screening
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
    if (clearRequest[0] == "define"):
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
    if ((clearRequest[0] == "the") and (clearRequest[1] == "word")):
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];
        del clearRequest[0];
        del vanillaRequest[0];

    word = (vanillaRequest[0]).upper(); # define the word as a variable
    word = word.replace("?", "");       # remove ?'s
    dictionary = open("dictionary.txt", "r");   # Open dictionary file
    searchLines = dictionary.readlines();   # create a readable copy
    dictionary.close(); # Close file for safety

    found = False       # set as precaution to not finding word
    for i, line in enumerate(searchLines):  # enumerating all the lines while making them individual
        if (("%s\n" % word) == line):   # where is the bloody word?
            found = True;   # word is found
            print searchLines[i];   # print result
            i+=1;   # go to next line of definition
            while not searchLines[i].isupper(): # check to see if defintion end is reached
                searchLines[i] = searchLines[i].replace("\n", "");  # take away new lines
                print "\t %s" % searchLines[i]; # prints defintion
                i += 1;
    if found == False:
        print "Sorry, I could not find a definition for %s." % word

The vanillaRequest and clearRequest bits are used because (despite my best efforts) my brain told me to do it similar to other functions I wrote. This was not necessary for this particular function but in others it was essential I preserve the original request.

Giving a bit of probably important information, the dictionary text I am using is the "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary" from the Gutenberg Project. I apologize for not knowing how to upload this file (hopefully you can find it).

The problem seems (to me) to stem from "if (("%s\\n" % word) == line):". I do not know what causes it to work on Windows but not Linux but I can provide a bit of useful information. I created a dummy dictionary with only these lines:


test definition


and it worked just as it did on Windows. I'm thinking the problem is with the file but I couldn't find one. Should I be missing any important, mystery solving information, tell me in the comments and I'll add it as soon as I can (if I can)!

If anyone could provide any insight at all it would be well appreciated. Thanks!

PS Yes the code is a bit clunky and a bit of an eyesore. I am not looking to change this as it works perfectly fine as is (besides the whole "Linux doesn't want to play nice with my files" dilemma.

I just test a little, before if (("%s\\n" % word) == line): codes, print word and line variables, word is always uppercase characters,while line is not so. Maybe this is why if statements doesn't work.

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