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Sum using CASE when using Len(column_name)

I am writing a query that counts the number of records for which the character count is less than 11.

SELECT sum(CASE when LEN(Summary) > 11 then 0 else 1) AS [SummaryErrorCnt],
       sum(CASE when LEN(ResolutionNotes) >11 then 0 else 1) AS [ResolutionNotesErrorCnt]
FROM dbo.TicketLog

But I get the error

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'.

I am closing the parenthesis correctly.

What am I doing wrong?

You're missing the END keyword fro the CASE expressions, eg:

CASE when LEN(Summary) > 11 then 0 else 1 END
                                          ^^^-- must close CASE with END

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