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Running a Python Script Continuously on Server

PREFACE To be completely honest, I'm new to this and am a bit overwhelmed with the number of options there seem to be in going about solving this.

I am looking to run a Python script on a server. The code is already written and involves a handful of libraries, and runs perfectly on my computer; but I want to be able to put it on a VM and have it run every 15 minutes while saving the data to a MySQL database.

Currently, the script isn't going to be accepting inputs since it is checking for changes in data via an API, but I would like to have the ability to accept inputs to the script in the future.

I know there are a few options which let you run Python on a server and the two that I have looked into mostly are Digital Ocean and Google Compute Engine. On Digital Ocean I started a droplet with django pre-installed and ran into problems with that approach and then I switched over to using Ubuntu through Digital Ocean.

I understand that you run the start command through the console, but I still don't understand how you're suppose to upload your script to the server to begin with. I have seen ssh/scp used, but I don't understand how that uploads the libraries to the sever as well.

My questions are:
- What is the best service to use (DO, Google, etc.)?
- Is Ubuntu the right approach or is django?
- Is there a basic example that someone could point me in the direction of?

Thank you for your time and I appreciate any help that you have to offer, some of the tutorials online just seem a little too robust for what I need.

What I am understanding from your question is that you want a python script to run every 15 min which does some db operation and has future scope of input parametrs.


Above will serve you well for this kind of need.

You can upload your script from local system to server via scp

scp filepath/filename.py user@ip:address:of:server:~/filepath/

Then login to server using ssh

ssh user@ip:address:of:server

Use cron to run your script every 15 minutes

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