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javascript split() using regEx

i want to split "A//B/C" string using javascript split() function


but it's output is ["A", "", "B", "C"] but my expected output is

["A/", "B", "C"]

how i do this using javascript ?



尝试RegExp /\\/(?=[AZ]|$)/以匹配/如果后跟AZ或输入结尾)


You need to split the string at a position, where the current character is "/" and the following character is not "/". However, the second (negative) condition should not be consumed by the regex. In other words: It shouldn't be regarded as delimeter. For this you can use a so called "look ahead". There is a positive "look ahead" and a negative one. Here we need a negative one, since we want to express "not followed by". The syntax is: (?!<string>) , whereas is what shouldn't 'follow'.

So there you go: /\\/(?!\\/)/

applied to your example:

"A//B/C".split(/\/(?!\/)/); // ["A/", "B", "C"]

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