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Issue with datatype of Date in Informatica

I created a reusable transformation in which I have an input port of date/time format.

Now when I use this date/time port in my java code it gives me incompatible error long/date.

So I changed the input port of java transformation to String and used this string variable in java transformation. But even this code is giving me an error.

Severity    Timestamp   Node    Thread  Message Code    Message
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    READER_1_1_1    RR_4049 RR_4049 SQL Query issued to database : (Tue Apr 26 16:55:30 2016)
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    READER_1_1_1    RR_4050 RR_4050 First row returned from database to reader : (Tue Apr 26 16:55:30 2016)
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    READER_1_1_1    BLKR_16019  Read [10] rows, read [0] error rows for source table [CUSTOMERS] instance name [CUSTOMERS]
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    READER_1_1_1    BLKR_16008  Reader run completed.
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JAVA PLUGIN_1762    [DEBUG] Unparseable using java.text.SimpleDateFormat@9586200
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JTX_1005    [ERROR] Column name [05/06/1998 00:00:00.000000] is invalid.
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JTX_1015    [DEBUG] Exception thrown from Java transformation: [Column name [05/06/1998 00:00:00.000000] is invalid.].
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JAVA PLUGIN_1762    [ERROR] Column name [05/06/1998 00:00:00.000000] is invalid.
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JAVA PLUGIN_1762    [ERROR]     at com.informatica.powercenter.server.jtx.JTXPartitionDriverImplFixed.isNull(JTXPartitionDriverImplFixed.java:737)
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    JAVA PLUGIN_1762    [ERROR]     at com.informatica.powercenter.server.jtx.JTXPartitionDriverImplGen.execute(JTXPartitionDriverImplGen.java:223)
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    TM_6085 A fatal error occurred at  transformation [DateFormat], and the session is terminating. 
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    TM_6085 A fatal error occurred at  transformation [SQ_CUSTOMERS], and the session is terminating. 
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    TM_6085 A fatal error occurred at  transformation [SQ_CUSTOMERS], and the session is terminating. 
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    TM_6085 A fatal error occurred at  transformation [SQ_CUSTOMERS], and the session is terminating. 
DEBUG   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    TRANSF_1_1_1    DBG_21511   TE: Fatal Transformation Error.
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8167    Start loading table [DateFormat] at: Tue Apr 26 16:55:30 2016
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8333    Rolling back all the targets due to fatal session error.
ERROR   26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8170    Writer run terminated: Abort Session request received from the DTM
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8168    End loading table [DateFormat] at: Tue Apr 26 16:55:30 2016
INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8035    Load complete time: Tue Apr 26 16:55:30 2016


WRT_8036 Target: DateFormat (Instance Name: [DateFormat1])
WRT_8044 No data loaded for this target

INFO    26-04-2016 16:55:30 node01_Gizmo    WRITER_1_*_1    WRT_8043    *****END LOAD SESSION*****

Day is an output port of type String. The below is the code used in java transformation:

SimpleDateFormat formatter;
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date my_date = null;
    my_date = formatter.parse(Inp_Date);
catch(Exception e) { 
          System.out.println("Unparseable using " + formatter); 
    formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d");

Please let me know how to use date/time variable in java transformation.

Regards, Dex.

You should use an expression transformation with the expression TO_CHAR(inp_Date,'dd') to do such conversions.

In your Java code the format string (dd-MM-yyyy) does not match the input date format (05/06/1998 00:00:00.000000). It should probably be changed to something like this:

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS");

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