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Merging Two JSONArray inside JSONObject in JAVA

Hi i have a problem regarding the merge of JSONArray inside JSONObject. Below is what my JSONObject looks like:

           "1":{"x":[ 974, 975],"y":[154, 155},
           "3":{"x":[124, 125],"y":[529]},
           "8":{"x":[2048, 2049],"y":[548, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564 ]}

Now i have keys of those JSONObjects which i want to merge (inside coords ).I wanted to merge x and y respectively into one JSONObject here is my code:

     String[] tokens = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("coords")[0].split(","); //here i recieve the String Array Keys of the coords i want to merge
        if (!image.equals("")) {
            JSONObject outputJSON = getImageJSON(image); //here comes the JSON which i posted above
            JSONObject coordsPack = (JSONObject) outputJSON.get("coords");
            JSONObject merged = new JSONObject();
            merged.put("x", new JSONArray());
            merged.put("y", new JSONArray());
            for (String index : tokens) {
                JSONObject coordXY = (JSONObject) coordsPack.get(index);
                JSONArray xList = (JSONArray) coordXY.get("x");
                JSONArray yList = (JSONArray) coordXY.get("y");

but problem is that i am having error at merged.get("x").addAll(xList); and merged.get("y").addAll(yList); i am unable to access the methods.

You must fill the lists first, and you should take out these following lines out of for loop.


BTW, it's apoor design to achieve your goal.


As per suggestion of @cihan seven i am able to get the answer of my problem here is my solution:

        JSONObject coordsPack = (JSONObject) outputJSON.get("coords");
        JSONObject merged = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray xList = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray yList = new JSONArray();
        for (String index : tokens) {
            JSONObject coordXY = (JSONObject) coordsPack.get(index);
            xList.addAll((JSONArray) coordXY.get("x"));
            yList.addAll((JSONArray) coordXY.get("y"));
        merged.put("x", xList);
        merged.put("y", yList);

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