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How can I set up a format check in python 3 if i want the data input by user to be of a particular format?

So basically I want to prompt user for input and this input should follow a strict order which is precisely in the sequence "One upper case letter followed by 2 lower case letters followed by 3 numerals or integars" But the code i've written gives an error and this error only occurs when a correct format input is made, otherwise no errors while running it. What am i doing wrong and how can get this done? (screens attached) enter image description here

enter image description here

This is exactly the kind of thing regex was intended for


Python implementation:

while 1:
    inputString = input()
    if re.match(r"^[A-Z][a-z]{2}\d{3}$", inputString):
        print("Input accepted")
        print("Bad input, please try again")


Aa123      #missing one lowercase
Bad input, please try again
Aaa22      #missing one integer
Bad input, please try again
aaa123     #missing one capital
Bad input, please try again
Aaa123     # 1 capital, 2 lower, 3 integers
Input accepted

How the regex works

$ ---------> Assert position at start of the string
[AZ] -----> Match one capital letter
[az]{2} --> Match two lowercase letters
\\d{3} -----> Match 3 digits
$ ---------> Assert position at end of string

In the Validation of the integer part, You are converting it into a integer and trying to make a string method call on it. Try to keep it simple


would be enough. But the Best way to do this Validation is to go for Regular Expressions. And I feel you also need to check the length of the string so :

def ValidateUserID(u):
    result = False
    if u[0] == u[0].upper() and u[1:2] == u[1:2].lower() and u[3:5].isdigit() and len(u) == 6:
        result = True
    return result

Hope it helps. Happy Coding :)

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