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How do you input a string inside each block of memory in an array?

I want to access strings from an array, just like one can access integers from arrays, say A={1,2,3} then upon calling A[0] one would get 1 . Similarly what should be done for strings such that A={a,b,c} so upon calling A[0] I get a .

I tried this for the input,

char in[1000];
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
    printf("in is %f",in[i]);

but I am getting a warning assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

You should use %s for strings not %f .

  • %s - Strings (character arrays in case of C)
  • %c - Characters
  • %f - floats
  • %d - int
  • %ls - long int

Your example :

int i=0;
char in[1000];
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
    printf("in is %c\n",in[i]);

Sample code : example

Since you are making a character array, you need to supply a character value to it.

Change your code to

printf("in is %c",in[i]);

Hope this helps :)

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