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polymer iron-form PUT method pass parameters in url

I have a problem with my , I want to use the PUT method with json data but it's passing those parameters in the query string parameters and not in json, and I can't find my mistake. I'd like not to use 'iron-ajax' if possible.

            <form is="iron-form" method="put" action="http://localhost:5000/users/" id="loginForm" content-type="application/json">
              <paper-input name="username" label="Username" required auto-validate></paper-input>
              <paper-input name="password" label="Password" type="password" required auto-validate></paper-input>
              <paper-button raised onclick="_submit(event)" disabled id="loginFormSubmit">
                <paper-spinner id="spinner" hidden></paper-spinner>Submit</paper-button>
              <paper-button raised onclick="_reset(event)">Reset</paper-button>
              <div class="output"></div>
              loginForm.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
                loginFormSubmit.disabled = !loginForm.validate();
              function _submit(event) {
                spinner.active = true;
                spinner.hidden = false;
                loginFormSubmit.disabled = true;
              function _reset(event) {
                var form = Polymer.dom(event).localTarget.parentElement
                form.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = '';
              document.getElementById('loginForm').addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
                spinner.active = false;
                spinner.hidden = true;
                loginFormSubmit.disabled = false;
                this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
              document.getElementById('loginForm').addEventListener('iron-form-response', function(response) {


thank you all for your help !

iron-form only includes the parameters in the body of POST requests. The simplest workaround is to change your method="put" to method="post" , and add a handler for iron-form-presubmit (fires after serialization) to change the method back to PUT .

form.addEventListener('iron-form-presubmit', function() {
  this.request.method = 'put';


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