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Allow remote connection postgresql

I'm completed the installation of PG server. I want to be able to be able to remote connect to it with pgAdmin but keeps on getting server don't listen error.

could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

It's on my network and I know I have to edit pg_hba.config file. Everywhere I read, I have to add a line,

host    all         all         ip address/mask    md5

My question is, what is the /mask and how/where do I get it? The IP I'm connecting from is

Thank you so much for your time, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and Postgresql 9.4.

The number after the / is actually not a mask, but the CIDR mask length.

It states how many leading bits must match the IP address preceeding the / for an incoming address to match the pg_hba.conf entry.

If you want the line to only work for your host, use (all 32 bits must match).
To have the line apply to all hosts that start with 192.168.1. , use .
To match all hosts, use .

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