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Dancer2 app with PostgreSQL database

I'm trying to integrate a small PostgreSQL database in my Dancer2.... After schema deployment I used this in my app.pm file to connect to the schema:

my $schema = My::Schema->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=mytestdb;host=localhost;port=5432;","test","test");

When I start my app I'm able to create a new user (which is inserted in the db) with this request:

post '/register' => sub {

    my $username = params->{username};
    my $fullname = params->{fullname};
    my $password = params->{password};
    warn "The pass is |$password|\n";

        my $saved_pass = &crypt_password($password);   

        username => $username, 
        fullname => $fullname,
        password => $saved_pass,


    redirect '/';


But when I attempt to log in using this:

post '/login' => sub {
    my $username  = params->{username};
    my $password  = params->{password}; 

     my $user = $schema->resultset('User')->search({ username => $username })->first;       

        my ($success, $realm) = authenticate_user(
            $username, $password

        if ($success) {
            session logged_in_user => $success;
            session logged_in_user_realm => $realm;
            session user => $user;

        } else {
             authentication failed


My app dies with this error: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::catch {...} (): DBI Connection failed: DBI connect('dbname=mytestdb','test',...) failed: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "test" .

I edited my pg_hba.conf file inside /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf by adding this lines :

    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all         all          md5
    local   all         all                               trust

With these modifications my app logs in.

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