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ROS package cv_bridge and libopencv4tegra can not install at the same time on Tegra TK1

I'm going to use libopencv4tegra with ROS on Tegra TK1 and I do this following this:

http://wiki.ros.org/NvidiaJetsonTK1 .

But when I install cv_bridge , it removes libopencv4tegra and libopencv4tegra-dev and when I install libopencv4tegra it removes cv_bridge .How can I solve this?

install libopencv4tegra: 在此处输入图片说明

The usual approach is to compile the packages from source.

To do so, depending on your ros version, you need a catkin workspace . http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/workspaces

To create a catkin workspace use this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace

Having the workspace, you need to add sources (and its dependencies) as a package. To add the sources 'nicely' use the beginning of this tutorial http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/workspace_overlaying you don't need to create an additional workspace (for overlaying) but point 2.2, downloading the package, is what you need.

After adding the packages, don't for get to build your workspace (catkin_make).

A different approach, which is not recommended!, is to "force" the installation by downloading the .deb file and use dpkg to manually install. This can break parts of your OS!

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