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A converter from JSON to CSV in Java doesn't work properly

I'm doing a converter from json to csv file. I've tried a solution from this link but it doesn't work properly: Converting JSON to XLS/CSV in Java

The problem is that I don't have data in separate columns and also I have names of columns in different order. Is it possible to fix this?

My json looks like this:

 "Items":[{ "City":"nameOfCity",
        "Name":"name of Company",
        "SiteAddress":"number and street 2301",
        "Name":"name of Company2",
        , ...etc. 

My code:

String bodyStr = new String(proxyResponse.getBody());

JSONObject output;

try {
    output = new JSONObject(bodyStr);

    JSONArray docs = output.getJSONArray("Items");

    File file = new File("C:/folder/fromJSON.csv");
    String csv = CDL.toString(docs);
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, csv);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

results(first expected):


working as you expect using the below code. I don't see any major difference between your and my code....

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String inputJson = "{\"Code\":2,\"Description\":\"OK\",\"Status\":0,\"Items\":[{\"City\":\"nameOfCity\",\"Country\":\"nameOfCountry\",\"CountryCode\":\"US\",\"Latitude\":\"11.11111\",\"Longitude\":\"-11.11111\",\"Name\":\"name of Company\",\"Region\":\"nameofRegion\",\"ServisID\":\"111AAA111AA\",\"SiteAddress\":\"number and street 2301\",\"ZipCode\":\"1111\"},{\"City\":\"nameOfCity2\",\"Country\":\"nameOfCountry\",\"CountryCode\":\"US\",\"Latitude\":\"22.22222\",\"Longitude\":\"22.2222222222\",\"Name\":\"name of Company2\",\"Region\":\"nameofRegion\",\"ServisID\":\"111BBB111BB\",\"SiteAddress\":"
                + null + ",\"ZipCode\":" + null + "}]}";
        JSONObject objJsonObject = new JSONObject(inputJson);
        JSONArray objJsonArray = objJsonObject.getJSONArray("Items");
        String csv = CDL.toString(objJsonArray);
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(System.getenv("HOME")+ "/temp.csv"), csv);

i opened the csv file using libreoffice v5.1 with UTF-8 encoding

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