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Python regex split into characters except if followed by parentheses

I have a string like "F(230,24)F[f(22)_(23);(2)%[+(45)FF]]" , where each character except for parentheses and what they enclose represents a kind of instruction. A character can be followed by an optional list of arguments specified in optional parentheses.

Such a string i would like to split the string into ['F(230,24)', 'F', '[', 'f(22)', '_(23)', ';(2)', '%', '[', '+(45)', 'F', 'F', ']', ']'] , however at the moment i only get ['F(230,24)', 'F', '[', 'f(22)_(23);(2)', '%', '[', '+(45)', 'F', 'F', ']', ']'] (a substring was not split correctly).

Currently i am using list(filter(None, re.split(r'([A-Za-z\\[\\]\\+\\-\\^\\&\\\\\\/%_;~](?!\\())', string))) , which is just a mess of characters and a negative lookahead for ( . list(filter(None, <list>)) is used to remove empty strings from the result.

I am aware that this is likely caused by Python's re.split having been designed not to split on a zero length match, as discussed here . However i was wondering what would be a good solution? Is there a better way than re.findall ?

Thank you.

EDIT: Unfortunately i am not allowed to use custom packages like regex module

I am aware that this is likely caused by Python's re.split having been designed not to split on a zero length match

You can use the VERSION1 flag of the regex module . Taking that example from the thread you've linked - see how split() produces zero-width matches as well:

>>> import regex as re
>>> re.split(r"\s+|\b", "Split along words, preserve punctuation!", flags=re.V1)
['', 'Split', 'along', 'words', ',', 'preserve', 'punctuation', '!']

You can use re.findall to find out all single character optionally followed by a pair of parenthesis:

import re
s = "F(230,24)F[f(22)_(23);(2)%[+(45)FF]]"
re.findall("[^()](?:\([^()]*\))?", s)

  • [^()] match a single character except for parenthesis;
  • (?:\\([^()]*\\))? denotes a non-capture group( ?: ) enclosed by a pair of parenthesis and use ? to make the group optional;

Another solution. This time the pattern recognize strings with the structure SYMBOL[(NUMBER[,NUMBER...])] . The function parse_it returns True and the tokens if the string match with the regular expression and False and empty if don't match.

import re
def parse_it(string):
    Input: String to parse
    Output: True|False, Tokens|empty_string
    pattern = re.compile('[A-Za-z\[\]\+\-\^\&\\\/%_;~](?:\(\d+(?:,\d+)*\))?')
    tokens = pattern.findall(string)
    if ''.join(tokens) == string:
        res = (True, tokens)
        res = (False, '')
    return res

good_string = 'F(230,24)F[f(22)_(23);(2)%[+(45)FF]]'
bad_string = 'F(2a30,24)F[f(22)_(23);(2)%[+(45)FF]]' # There is an 'a' in a bad place.



(True, ['F(230,24)', 'F', '[', 'f(22)', '_(23)', ';(2)', '%', '[', '+(45)', 'F', 'F', ']', ']'])
(False, '')

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