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C#: How to add double quotes in variable

i am developing silverlight application. right now, i have an issue to pass string variable to sql statement, together with double quotes. i tried using this way:

string itemList;
string commaString = @"""";

for (int i = 0; i < TestList.Count; i++)
   itemList += commaString + TestList[i].Code + commaString + " || ";

itemList = "x.Code == " + itemList;

itemList = itemList.Removed(itemList.Length - 3);

but the variable passed is like this:

" x.Code == \\" 11001-111001 \\" || x.Code == \\" 11016-111001 \\" "

i want it to be this way:

x.Code == "11001-111001" || x.Code == "11016-111001"

i dont want the back slash. i want to pass this variable to sql select statement. is it possible to do this? can anybody help me? thank you...


my TestList currently have 2 values:


and then i want to combine these values in itemList to be:

x.Code == "11001-111001" || x.Code == "11016-111001"

since i want to use this in sql statement. when combined, now becomes

" x.Code == \\"11001-111001\\" || x.Code == \\"11016-111001\\" "

below is how i want to use the variable. i want to replace the codes with itemList :

private void GetAccountCodes()
  var r = _svc.AccountCodes.Where(x => x.Code == "11001-111001" || x.Code == "11016-111001").Select(x => x);
  _company.AccountCodes.LoadCompleted -= new EventHandler<LoadCompletedEventArgs>(AccountCodes_LoadCompleted);
  _company.AccountCodes.LoadCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadCompletedEventArgs>(AccountCodes_LoadCompleted);

private void AccountCodes_LoadCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e)
  if (_company.AccountCodes!= null && _company.AccountCodes.Count() > 0)
     //do something. but right now it returns no record            


You can use Contains for pass a list of items for a database linq query:

.Where(x=> itemList.Contains(x.Code)).ToList()

Debugger escape characters:

As for the `\\" part This is only the debugger showing the value like that.

Trying clicking the small magnifier icon or printing the value to the console, you'll get:

"11001-111001" || x.Code == "11016-111001" || "

See this image as a proof:


Those escape backslashes are added by the debugger only.

To add a single quote, you can use one of the below approaches:

string commaString = " \" "


string commaString = @" "" "

user3185569 is right. It's just the debugger that shows that value. Nevertheless it might not be the best idea to concatenate the strings that way (remember: strings are immutable). I would use a StringBuilder() and string.Format() as follows:

StringBuilder itemList = new StringBuilder();

for (int i = 0; i < TestList.Count; i++)
    itemList.Append(string.Format("\"{0}\" || ", TestList[i].Code));

This also improves readability.

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