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Java regex extract key-value without quotes

I have a list of key-values as such:-

  "xxx" : "1234",
  "yyy" : "1234",
  "zzz" : "1234"

I have a regex pattern:-

String pattern = ".*zzz\\s*:\\s*(.*)[\n\r]";

that only extracts values in case of a match when key is 'zzz'.

However I don't get a match due to the quotes...how can I altern my pattern to get the match? Also, I don't want to get quotes in my value either.

You don't get the match due to the missing double quote after the zzz .

String pattern = ".*zzz\"\\s*:\\s*(.*)[\n\r]";
                        ^--- Here

Btw, You can use:

String pattern = ".*zzz\".*?\"(.*?)\"";

Then you have to grab the content from the capturing group through the Matcher match(1) .

Regex demo

IDE One demo

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