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Split string - C# - complicated

I've the folllowing string and I want to split it:

"INSERT INTO test (test, test1, test2, test3) values (@test, @test1, @test2, @test3)";

The values that I want to get are the seperated @test @test1 @test2 @test3 So I can do something different with each one

This is what I currenly have so far.

string str = "INSERT INTO test (test, test1, test2, test3) values (@test, @test1, @test2, @test3)"
var pattern = @"(?<=@)[^@]*(?=>,)";
foreach (var m in System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(str, pattern))

This returns the whole string:

INSERT INTO test (test, test1, test2, test3) values (@test, @test1, @test2, @test3)

I hope some of you can help me because it's the last pin for my program to work.

Had you try string pattern = @"@[a-zA-Z0-9]+"; ?


var parameters = str.Split('@').Skip(1).Select(var=>"@" + var.Trim(new[] {',',')', ' '}));

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