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How do I search an element in shell script

I have an array

declare -a fruits=("apple" "banana" "guava" "cherry" "mango" "litchi")

I need to write a shell script, it can take multiple arguments (comma separated). It should check each argument against the array- fruits in case argument doesn't match it should exit stating argument is not in array. It should return all the invalid arguments

Eg ./dummy.sh carrot,potato,cabbage

o/p: carrot,potato,cabbage not found in array

eg 2 ./dummy.sh banana,mango o/p banana,mango found in list

declare -a fruits=("apple" "banana" "guava" "cherry" "mango" "litchi")

IFS=, read -ra args <<< "$1"
for arg in "${args[@]}"
   #echo "Searching for $arg"
   for fruit in "${fruits[@]}"
      if [[ $fruit == $arg ]]; then found=1; break; fi
   if [[ $found == 0 ]]; then echo "$arg is not found"; break; fi

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