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How to create a Model for this JSON?

In the following json there are two product objects, the products keep changing some times there are more than 100 products (I tried json to pojo converter but it has two for two products inside the main class) ... the products are dynamic ... I am using retrofit

  "1": {
    "entity_id": "11",
    "type_id": "virtual",
    "sku": "JIG0001VEN",
    "name": "Test Chanakya",
    "meta_title": "Test Chanakya",
    "meta_description": "Test Chanakya",
    "brand_name": "Chanakya",
    "language": "English",
    "no_test_attempts": "4",
    "product_type": "25",
    "difficulty_level": "20",
    "jigno_certified": "18",
    "ca_related": "23",
    "description": "Test Chanakya",
    "short_description": "Test Chanakya",
    "meta_keyword": "Test Chanakya",
    "regular_price_with_tax": 4500,
    "regular_price_without_tax": 4500,
    "final_price_with_tax": 4500,
    "final_price_without_tax": 4500,
    "is_saleable": true
  "2": {
    "entity_id": "12",
    "type_id": "virtual",
    "sku": "JIG5555GENESIS",
    "name": "Genesis Mentors GMAT Mock - 01",
    "meta_title": "Genesis GMAT",
    "brand_name": "Genesis Mentors",
    "language": "English",
    "meta_description": "Genesis GMAT",
    "no_test_attempts": "3",
    "product_type": "25",
    "difficulty_level": "21",
    "jigno_certified": "18",
    "ca_related": "23",
    "description": "Exhaustive national level ",
    "meta_keyword": "GMAT, Genesis, Management",
    "short_description": "Genesis Mentors GMAT Mock",
    "regular_price_with_tax": 199,
    "regular_price_without_tax": 199,
    "final_price_with_tax": 199,
    "final_price_without_tax": 199,
    "is_saleable": true

There are two ways:

First method is using Gson

Please have a look at this library(Gson) .

You can find on this platform thousands of questions about how to use Gson

Second way is using Android default libraries

You simply have a list of products objects, so you need to use a JSONArray after you can iterate each JSONObject inside this array using this library and converting it into a model.

Since it's easy i'm not going to post the complete object. simply create a class with all values in the object and read about those options.

You can go through this link to get it in Details :: http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/


Here is the solution..

package com.example.models;

public class ExampleResponse {

DemoClassForOne _1;
DemoClassForOne _2;

public DemoClassForOne get_1() {
    return _1;

public void set_1(DemoClassForOne _1) {
    this._1 = _1;

public DemoClassForOne get_2() {
    return _2;

public void set_2(DemoClassForOne _2) {
    this._2 = _2;

public class DemoClassForOne{

    private String entityId;
    private String typeId;
    private String sku;
    private String name;
    private String metaTitle;
    private String metaDescription;
    private String brandName;
    private String language;
    private String noTestAttempts;
    private String productType;
    private String difficultyLevel;
    private String jignoCertified;
    private String caRelated;
    private String description;
    private String shortDescription;
    private String metaKeyword;
    private Integer regularPriceWithTax;
    private Integer regularPriceWithoutTax;
    private Integer finalPriceWithTax;
    private Integer finalPriceWithoutTax;
    private Boolean isSaleable;

     * @return
     * The entityId
    public String getEntityId() {
        return entityId;

     * @param entityId
     * The entity_id
    public void setEntityId(String entityId) {
        this.entityId = entityId;

     * @return
     * The typeId
    public String getTypeId() {
        return typeId;

     * @param typeId
     * The type_id
    public void setTypeId(String typeId) {
        this.typeId = typeId;

     * @return
     * The sku
    public String getSku() {
        return sku;

     * @param sku
     * The sku
    public void setSku(String sku) {
        this.sku = sku;

     * @return
     * The name
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * @param name
     * The name
    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

     * @return
     * The metaTitle
    public String getMetaTitle() {
        return metaTitle;

     * @param metaTitle
     * The meta_title
    public void setMetaTitle(String metaTitle) {
        this.metaTitle = metaTitle;

     * @return
     * The metaDescription
    public String getMetaDescription() {
        return metaDescription;

     * @param metaDescription
     * The meta_description
    public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription) {
        this.metaDescription = metaDescription;

     * @return
     * The brandName
    public String getBrandName() {
        return brandName;

     * @param brandName
     * The brand_name
    public void setBrandName(String brandName) {
        this.brandName = brandName;

     * @return
     * The language
    public String getLanguage() {
        return language;

     * @param language
     * The language
    public void setLanguage(String language) {
        this.language = language;

     * @return
     * The noTestAttempts
    public String getNoTestAttempts() {
        return noTestAttempts;

     * @param noTestAttempts
     * The no_test_attempts
    public void setNoTestAttempts(String noTestAttempts) {
        this.noTestAttempts = noTestAttempts;

     * @return
     * The productType
    public String getProductType() {
        return productType;

     * @param productType
     * The product_type
    public void setProductType(String productType) {
        this.productType = productType;

     * @return
     * The difficultyLevel
    public String getDifficultyLevel() {
        return difficultyLevel;

     * @param difficultyLevel
     * The difficulty_level
    public void setDifficultyLevel(String difficultyLevel) {
        this.difficultyLevel = difficultyLevel;

     * @return
     * The jignoCertified
    public String getJignoCertified() {
        return jignoCertified;

     * @param jignoCertified
     * The jigno_certified
    public void setJignoCertified(String jignoCertified) {
        this.jignoCertified = jignoCertified;

     * @return
     * The caRelated
    public String getCaRelated() {
        return caRelated;

     * @param caRelated
     * The ca_related
    public void setCaRelated(String caRelated) {
        this.caRelated = caRelated;

     * @return
     * The description
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

     * @param description
     * The description
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

     * @return
     * The shortDescription
    public String getShortDescription() {
        return shortDescription;

     * @param shortDescription
     * The short_description
    public void setShortDescription(String shortDescription) {
        this.shortDescription = shortDescription;

     * @return
     * The metaKeyword
    public String getMetaKeyword() {
        return metaKeyword;

     * @param metaKeyword
     * The meta_keyword
    public void setMetaKeyword(String metaKeyword) {
        this.metaKeyword = metaKeyword;

     * @return
     * The regularPriceWithTax
    public Integer getRegularPriceWithTax() {
        return regularPriceWithTax;

     * @param regularPriceWithTax
     * The regular_price_with_tax
    public void setRegularPriceWithTax(Integer regularPriceWithTax) {
        this.regularPriceWithTax = regularPriceWithTax;

     * @return
     * The regularPriceWithoutTax
    public Integer getRegularPriceWithoutTax() {
        return regularPriceWithoutTax;

     * @param regularPriceWithoutTax
     * The regular_price_without_tax
    public void setRegularPriceWithoutTax(Integer regularPriceWithoutTax) {
        this.regularPriceWithoutTax = regularPriceWithoutTax;

     * @return
     * The finalPriceWithTax
    public Integer getFinalPriceWithTax() {
        return finalPriceWithTax;

     * @param finalPriceWithTax
     * The final_price_with_tax
    public void setFinalPriceWithTax(Integer finalPriceWithTax) {
        this.finalPriceWithTax = finalPriceWithTax;

     * @return
     * The finalPriceWithoutTax
    public Integer getFinalPriceWithoutTax() {
        return finalPriceWithoutTax;

     * @param finalPriceWithoutTax
     * The final_price_without_tax
    public void setFinalPriceWithoutTax(Integer finalPriceWithoutTax) {
        this.finalPriceWithoutTax = finalPriceWithoutTax;

     * @return
     * The isSaleable
    public Boolean getIsSaleable() {
        return isSaleable;

     * @param isSaleable
     * The is_saleable
    public void setIsSaleable(Boolean isSaleable) {
        this.isSaleable = isSaleable;



Just Copy and Paste & rename it.. After that you can access that using get & set method... Appreciation are welcome...

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