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How to insert a string inside another string using Go lang

Most programming languages have a function that allows us to insert one string into another string. For example, I can take the string Green and the string HI, and perform an operation Green.insert(HI,2) to get the resulatant string GrHIeen. But such a function does not come with the standard GO lang library.

Is there any Golang function which I can use to insert a string inside an string?

For example

string = "</table></body></html>"

// I want Following Output

string = "</table><pagebreak /></body></html>"

You can simply use slice operations on the string:

package main

func main() {
    p := "green"
    index := 2
    q := p[:index] + "HI" + p[index:]
    fmt.Println(p, q)

Working example: https://play.golang.org/p/01phuBKuBB

You could turn the first string into a template for Sprintf. It would look like this:

p := "</table>%s</body></html>"
out := fmt.Sprintf(p,"<pagebreak />")

Working code here: https://play.golang.org/p/AInfyQwpy2

I had used rune and bytes.Buffer to insert <\b> bold tags at between two indexes and build a result string as below.

for j:=0; j< len(resultstrIntervals);j++{

        startIndex:= resultstrIntervals[j].Start
        endIndex:= resultstrIntervals[j].End

        for i <= endIndex && i <= len(s) {

            if i == startIndex{

            }else if i == endIndex{


            if i < len(strArr){




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