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Sequelize raw query: Valid SQL query returns nothing

My sequelize query always returns 0 results, but when I copy/paste the exact same query into psql it works fine, returning the correct rows exactly as expected

  return sequelize.query(
"SELECT * FROM orders" +
" INNER JOIN sizes ON orders.sizeid = sizes.sizeid" +
" INNER JOIN types ON sizes.typeid = types.typeid" +
" INNER JOIN items ON types.itemid = items.itemid" +
" WHERE orders.fbid = :fbid AND pickuptime >= :today" +
" ORDER BY orders.pickuptime ASC",
{ replacements: {fbid, today}, type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }


fbid is an integer & today is a string of shape 'yyyy-mm-dd'
If I drop the 'today' condition, I get rows returned

Is sequelize escaping my date string?

If you defined named parameter like it fbid=:fbid in the SQL script, you should pass an object {fbid: 'fbid_value'} ,

or if you defined unnamed parameters fbid=? , you should pass an array ['fbid_value'] .

Here's docs http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/api/sequelize/#querysql-options-promise

Try to pass an object to replacement:

return sequelize.query(
"SELECT * FROM orders" +
" INNER JOIN sizes ON orders.sizeid = sizes.sizeid" +
" INNER JOIN types ON sizes.typeid = types.typeid" +
" INNER JOIN items ON types.itemid = items.itemid" +
" WHERE orders.fbid = :fbid AND pickuptime >= :today" +
" ORDER BY orders.pickuptime ASC",
{ replacements: {fbid: 'fbid_value', today: 'today_value'}, type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }

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