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Trying to Generate a string that matches a Regular Expression in Order (From 0 to N size of the String and from 1 to 255 ASCII caracters) in JAVA

The code is taking a value option chooses beetween the 2 Lists that are going to get filled by generating these compatible Strings to the Regular Expressions, there are 2 regular Expressions.

Those regular expressions are going to be compared later. The "ascii" variable is a String with every single caracter in the ASCCI code.

Right now the code seem to not end when I start it, I dont really know where exactly is my mistake here.

static public void ASCIIString(int option){
        String res="";
        int n=0;

cicleG: while(true){ 
            int x=n-1;
            int []aux = new int [n];
            for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

cicle:      while(aux[0]<ascii.length()){
                for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
                while(aux[x]==ascii.length() && x>0){
                for (int i = 0; i < Lista1.size(); i++) {
                            continue cicle;
                            continue cicle;

                          break cicleG;
                          break cicleG;


And the code for inicialization is this one:

static ArrayList<String> Lista1,Lista2;
    static String ascii="";
    static String expression1="",expression2="";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++) {
    Lista1= new ArrayList();
    Lista2= new ArrayList();

Guessing : one fine reason for your second loop to never stop could be


That doesn't sound to convincing ...

But honestly, the real answer here ... your problem is of a different nature. The real problem here: you created over complicated and super hard to read/understand code! You have multi level nested loops, with conditions and goto jumps . Don't get me wrong, but you created a huge mess here! It is absolutely no surprise that you don't understand what this code is doing; and as a consequence, it is also no surprise that this code is not doing what you want it to do.

Thus, the real answer here is: throw your code away . Now.

Then write down a clear specification of your requirements (your introducing text is not at all clear); and then start implementing those requirements. But instead of just writing down code, you should really focus on writing code that is easy to read and understand . You see, even if "we" figure the problem with your current code, and you fix it - when you come back in 2 or 4 weeks to enhance that code - you will be lost.

Long story short: the code that you provided took maybe 1 hour to write. It will take easily 2,3 hours to "re-understand" what it is doing in a few weeks from now.

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