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Writing my own peek() method for my own LinkedList class in Java

So I've been asked to write a peek() method for a linked list in Java. The only thing is that the object I want to "peek" is a private variable of type base that exists in a private class within my LinkedList class. I would like to use my peek() method to return the object and print it out. I know this has something to do with accessing a private variable but I can't quite make it work with what I have. Here is a snippet of my code:

class LinkedStack <Base>
    private class Run
        private Base object;
        private Run next;
        private Run (Base object, Run next)
            this.object = object;
            this.next = next; 
    public Base peek()
            throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
        return object; //this throws an error
    public void push(Base object)
        top = new Run(object, top);
class Driver
    public static void main(String []args)
        LinkedStack<String> s = new LinkedStack<String>();


Thanks in advance for any help! I really appreciate it.

You should just return your top variable. I don't see it initialized, but I assume it's a class variable since you don't initialize it in your push method. You could then do:

public Base peek()
         throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
    return top.object; //this throws an error

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