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accessing elements of a lift-json parsed object in scala

I have parsed a json using lift-json parser in scala.I did this to parse the json object:

var parsedstring =parse(x)

The class of "parsedstring" is net.liftweb.json.JsonAST$JObject Then I did this:

var parsedmap = (parsedstring.asInstanceOf[JObject].values)

The class of "parsedmap" is scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map1 then i did this:

var parsedactors = parsedmap("actors")

"actors" is key in parsedmap. Tha class of parsedactors is this: scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon I have to access elements of parsedactors. How can I do it?

scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon means it's a list, so you can access it eg via

val list = parsedmap("actors")
val first = list(0)
val second = list(1)

etc. Or you can map over it, use it in a for-comprehension, etc.

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