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how to join two DataFrame and replace one column conditionally in spark

There are two dataframes. For simplicity, I put them as follow:


id | name
0  | Mike
1  | James


id | name | salary
0  | M    | 10
1  | J    | 20
2  | K    | 30

I want to join the two DataFrame on id and only keep the column name in DataFrame1 while keeping the original one if there is no corresponding id in DataFrame2 .

It should be:

id | name  | salary
0  | Mike  |  10
1  | James |  20
2  | K     |  30

Till now, I only know how to join two dataframes by:

df1.join(df2, df1("id")===df2("id"), "left").select(df2("id"), df1("name"), df2("salary"))

But it will use null to ignore the name value "K".


You can use coalesce , which returns the first column that isn't null from the given columns. Plus - using left join you should join df1 to df2 and not the other way around:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

df2.join(df1, df1("id")===df2("id"), "left")
  .select(df2("id"), coalesce(df1("name"), df2("name")), df2("salary"))

to replace null values you can use DataFrameNaFunctions like below...

    df1.join(df2, df1("id")===df2("id"), "left_outer")
.select(df2("id"), df1("name"), df2("salary"))
.na.fill(ImmutableMap.of("name", "unknown")).show()

where 'unknown' is sample value. you can replace with value you wanted...

if you don't want rows with null value columns

val joined = df1.join(df2, df1("id")===df2("id"), "left_outer")
    .select(df2("id"), df1("name"), df2("salary"))

val final = joined.where(joined.col("name").isNotNull)

Also Note that as mentioned in @Tzach Zohar answer def coalesce(e: Column*) function

Returns the first column that is not null, or null if all inputs are null.

If you are looking for that kind of ... then you can go ahead.

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