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repetition operator in systemverilog

I have a system verilog comparison as follows.

module m();
  int count = 4;
  logic [3:0] first = 14;
  logic [3:0] second = 15;
  initial begin
    $display("Second %b\n", {count{1'b1}});
    if(first == {count{1'b1}}) $display("FIRST Equals\n");
    else $display("FIRST Not equal %b and %b\n", first, {count{1'b1}});
    if(second == {count{1'b1}}) $display("SECOND Equals\n");
    else $display("SECOND Not equal %b and %b\n", second, {count{1'b1}});

This is the output

Second 1

FIRST Not equal 1110 and 1


What I did not understand is the print statements Second 1 and FIRST Not equal 1110 and 1

Why is it printing 1 instead of 1111?

One simulator tool I use generates compiler errors. According to IEEE Std 1800-2012 , section Replication operator:

A replication operator (also called a multiple concatenation) is expressed by a concatenation preceded by a non-negative, non-x, and non-z constant expression, called a replication constant

With replication, I think you need to use a numeric constant, like 4, or a constant type, like parameter .

  parameter count = 4;

Another simulator I use generates warnings and produces the results you see.

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