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Installing SSDT hook on Windows 7 32-bit VM returns system error 2

I use the following code to create a driver that hooks Win7-32bit SSDT table. It is taken straight from Greg & Jamie's book. Please note that I don't even call the hooking code from main:

main.c http://pastebin.com/Ck8FSVbv

SSDT_Hook.h http://pastebin.com/y1ssD1ni

When I try to load it, sc.exe returns error 2.

But I can't figure out why. Couldn't find answers is similar questions.

It seems that system cannot find your driver file. You probably specified bad full path when installing the service. Look to the service registry key


for the ImagePath value. This value must contain full path to your driver file, either relative to the system root (usually C:\\Windows ), or "totally" absolute – starting with the \\??\\X: prefix ( X is the drive letter, \\??\\ makes the path absolute from the Object Manager point of view).

I assume you grabbed the code from the Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel book. It's a great book, howerver, keep in mind the following:

1) it is kinda old and many of its codes do not work on multiprocessor machines,

2) it is a hacker book which means it does not tell you how to do things nicely, it just tells you how to make a code working somewhat. A code based on it may work but may be full of errors if you lack knowledge about Windows driver development.

That does not mean it is a bad book. It just is not a guide how you should write Windows drivers.

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