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sys.stdout.write not working as expected in Python

I have two functions prints() and clear() . The function prints() print lines of text and the function clear() delete the printed lines with this method:

def clear():
    i = 0
    while True:
        if(i > globals['l']):
            sys.stdout.write("\033[F \033[K")
            i += 1

where globals['l'] is the number of lines to clear.

Then after the function clear() runs and the lines are cleared, the function prints() run again etc...

I don't understand why the function clear() is clearing only 22 lines of 32 lines. But if I have, for example, 19 lines it is working perfectly. Where is the problem? How can I fix this?

Try this:

def clear(line_count):
    sys.stdout.write("\033[F \033[K" * line_count)

EDIT: Works only on Unix systems

You can use:



import subprocess
subprocess.call(["printf", "\033c"])

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