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EF code first migrations from Pascal Case Properties to lower case columns

In Entity Framework 6 Code First, is there a way (perhaps via Data Annotations or Fluent API) so that the database generated by Migrations has lower case column names, even though my model classes have Pascal Casing properties?

Ie This class:

 public class Person
        public int PersonId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string Surname { get; set; }

should map to this table (ie migrations should generate this table):


or even something like this would be nice:


PS I am working with a MySQL database... Thanks

Yes, it is possible, using Data Annotation [Table("table_name")] and [Column("column_name")].

A better way for column name is to write custom conventions in your OnModelCreating() method. For example, something like

    .Configure(p => p.HasColumnName(p.ClrPropertyInfo.Name.ToLower()));

And for your table id

    .Configure(p => p.IsKey().HasColumnName(///the name you want///));

I am not sure about custom convention for table name, but my personal preference is to use Data Annotations for my tables.

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