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If statement for vbnet

I want to make an if statement with conditions that have 2 result


if (id = "25" OR "36") then
print "The id is 25 or 36"
print "the id is not 25 or 36"
end if

My concern is in the if condition statement for "OR"

I try with "AND" but this only takes id = 25 as true whereas id = 36 as false

I try with "OR" "ORELSE" "XOR" this takes everything as true.

I try || sign but I got syntax error


If (id = "25" Or id = "36") Then

You need to provide the variable to check each time

If id = "25" or id = "36" Then

Alternatively, if this is likely to expand to include other numbers, you could use

If {"25","36"}.Contains(id) Then

Alternatively, you could use a Select Case statement:

Select Case id
     Case "25", "36"
          Print("The id is 25 or 36")
     Case Else
          Print("The id is not 25 or 36")
End Select

This works the same way as an if..else statement, but allows you to easily supply different test expressions.

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