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Check the status of a variable in python

I am trying to conduct an audit with if statement, though playlist contains the word 'http', playlist should have value 'http: //*********/****.m3u but if playlist does not contain the word 'http' then I would like to have the value playlist '"file: ///" + playlist'

    playlistset = int(addon.getSetting('playlistset')) + 1 
    playlist = addon.getSetting('playlist' + str(playlistset)) 
    if 'http' in 'playlist'
        playlistlist = "file:///" + playlist
    return playlist

You could invert your condition and do this way:

    playlistset = int(addon.getSetting('playlistset')) + 1 
    playlist = addon.getSetting('playlist' + str(playlistset)) 
    if not 'http' in playlist:
        playlist = "file:///" + playlist
    return playlist

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