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Why unable to pass List<string> from static method to non-static method C#

I have a static method like this:

private static void UpdateExportDate(List<string> lstWithdraw, List<string> lstUnit)
        ServiceReference3.PSSWebServiceSoapClient pwssc = new ServiceReference3.PSSWebServiceSoapClient("PSSWebServiceSoap12");
        ((IContextChannel)pwssc.InnerChannel).OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0);

        pwssc.UpdateInfo(lstWithdraw, lstUnit);

In another class, I have a non static method like this:

public void UpdateInfo(List<string> lstWithdraw, List<string> lstUnit)
        UvAccountConversion uac = new UvAccountConversion();           

When I run the project, it has an error stated that:

cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>' to 'string[]'

I have tried to remove the List (which means I only pass 2 strings) and it is successful. However, I want to pass the records as ' List '.

Please help!

The error message itself is "cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'string[]'" there is no difference between static and instance methods in terms of parsing parameters.

The error indicates that somewhere you need to have an array instead of a List

A list is not the same as an array, although you can call a method on the list to return an array.

List<string> someList = new List<string>{"a","B","c"};
someList.ToArray(); //string[] containing ["a","B","c"]


pwssc.UpdateInfo(lstWithdraw.ToArray(), lstUnit.ToArray());

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