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bash replace one character from the end of string

I need to replace last dot to character '-' in the string.

# a='2.5.2.pl'

Using the following expression:

# echo ${a/%./-}

I expect to get:


but i get


I noticed that it doesn't work only if I need to replace the dot from the end to the beginning. Why does it happen? Of course I can use external programs like awk, sed to solve this problem but I need to solve the problem using only bash.

Thanks for advice!

With bash's Parameter Expansion :

echo "${a%.*}-${a##*.}"



My way is a bit hacky and uses rev but I tested it and it works!

echo "$(_b=$(echo "$a" | rev); _b=${_b/./-}; echo "$_b" | rev)"

Basically, I just reversed the character order so the last . was first and then used ${var/./-} to replace the dot with a dash and finally reversed the order of the characters again.

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