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jq get first value by priority and condition

I have following json:

  "Detail": {
    "Response": [
        "ID": "8000000D-1483989576",
        "Name": "",
        "FullName": "FullName 1"
        "ID": "8000000C-1483985849",
        "Name": "Name 1"
        "ID": "80000006-1481277410",
        "Name": "Name 2",
        "FullName": "FullName 2"
        "ID": "8000000B-1481537384",
        "Name": "Name 3"

I'm trying to create another json that will consider the non-empty/not null .Name as priority otherwise get .FullName regardless if it's empty or null, the final json would look like following:

    "id": "8000000D-1483989576",
    "name": "FullName 1"
    "id": "8000000C-1483985849",
    "name": "Name 1"
    "id": "80000006-1481277410",
    "name": "FullName 2"
    "id": "8000000B-1481537384",
    "name": "Name 3"

The temporary solution I got is to use join

jq '[.Detail.Response[] | {id: .ID, name: [.Name, .FullName] | join("") }]'

But of course, it'll only work if .FullName is empty or null.

This should get you on your way:

| { id: .ID, Name: (if .Name != "" then .Name else .FullName end) }


jq '[.Detail.Response[] | {id: .ID, name: [.Name, .FullName] | map(select(length > 0)) | first }]'

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