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Efficiently replace numbers in list of strings with a token

I have lists of strings where some of the strings are integers. I'd like to find a way to quickly replace numbers over 100 with a token based off the length of the numbers.

['foo', 'bar', '3333'] -> ['foo', 'bar', '99994']

I will be performing this operation millions of times over lists of length around 100. The pure python method I've come up with is as follows:

def quash_large_numbers(tokens, threshold=100):
    def is_int(s):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    BIG_NUMBER_TOKEN = '9999%d'
    tokens_no_high_nums = [BIG_NUMBER_TOKEN % len(t) if is_int(t) and int(t) > threshold else t
                           for t in tokens]
    return tokens_no_high_nums

I was trying to see if I could do this more quickly via pandas , but it's much slower for small lists, I imagine from all the overhead from converting back and forth from series to list.

def pd_quash_large_numbers(tokens, threshold=100):
    tokens_ser = pd.Series(tokens)
    int_tokens = pd.to_numeric(tokens_ser, errors='coerce')
    tokens_over_threshold = int_tokens > threshold
    str_lengths = tokens_ser[tokens_over_threshold].str.len().astype(str)

    tokens_ser[tokens_over_threshold] = BIG_NUMBER_TOKEN + str_lengths

    return tokens_ser.tolist()

Is there a more efficient way I'm missing here? Possibly via cython?

new quicker answer

v = np.array(['foo', 'bar', '3333'])
r = np.arange(v.size)
m = np.core.defchararray.isdigit(v)
g = v[m].astype(int) > 100
i = r[m][g]
t = np.array(['9999{}'.format(len(x)) for x in v[i].tolist()])
v = v.astype(t.dtype)
v[i] = t

['foo', 'bar', '99994']

old answer

s = pd.Series(['foo', 'bar', '3333'])
s.loc[pd.to_numeric(s, 'coerce') > 100] = s.str.len().map('9999{}'.format)


0      foo
1      bar
2    99994
dtype: object



['foo', 'bar', '99994']

I got a nice speedup by counting text digits instead of doing any conversion. This test program knocked it down by nearly 80%. It runs the original code, my textual inspection code and piRSquared's numpy code. Let the best code win!

import time

# a thousand 100 item long lists to test
test_data = [['foo', 'bar', '3333'] * 33 for _ in range(1000)]

def quash_large_numbers(tokens, threshold=100):
    def is_int(s):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    BIG_NUMBER_TOKEN = '9999%d'
    tokens_no_high_nums = [BIG_NUMBER_TOKEN % len(t) if is_int(t) and int(t) > threshold else t
                           for t in tokens]
    return tokens_no_high_nums

start = time.time()
result = [quash_large_numbers(tokens, 100) for tokens in test_data]
print('original', time.time() - start)

def quash(somelist, digits):
    return [text if len(text) <= digits or not text.isdigit() else '9999' + str(len(text)) for text in somelist]

start = time.time()
result = [quash(item, 2) for item in test_data]
print('textual ', time.time() - start)

import numpy as np

def np_quash(somelist, threshold=100):
    v = np.array(somelist)
    r = np.arange(v.size)
    m = np.core.defchararray.isdigit(v)
    g = v[m].astype(int) > threshold
    i = r[m][g]
    t = np.array(['9999{}'.format(len(x)) for x in v[i].tolist()])
    v = v.astype(t.dtype)
    v[i] = t
    return v.tolist()

start = time.time()
result = [np_quash(item, 100) for item in test_data]
print('numpy   ', time.time() - start)


original 0.6143333911895752
textual  0.12842845916748047
numpy    0.3644399642944336

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