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tokenize a string with regex having special characters

I am trying to find the tokens in a string, which has words, numbers, and special chars. I tried the following code:

String Pattern = "(\\s)+";
String Example = "This `99 is my small \"yy\"  xx`example ";
String[] splitString = (Example.split(Pattern));
for (String string : splitString) {

And got the following output:


But what I actually want is this, ie I want the special chars also as separate tokens:


I tried to put the special chars inside the pattern, but now the special characters vanished completely:

String Pattern = "(\"|`|\\.|\\s+)";

With what pattern will I get my desired output? Or should I try a different approach than using regex?

You may use a matching approach to match streaks of letters (with or without combining marks), digits or single chars other than word and whitespace. I think _ should be treated as a special char in this approach.



See the regex demo .

Details :

  • (?U) - the inline version of Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS modifier
  • (?>[^\\\\W\\\\d]\\\\p{M}*+)+ - 1 or more letters or _ with/without combining marks after
  • | - or
  • \\\\d+ - any 1+ digits
  • | - or
  • [^\\\\w\\\\s] - a single char that is either any char but a word and whitespace.

See the Java demo :

String str = "This `99 is my small \"yy\"  xx`example_and_more ";
Pattern ptrn = Pattern.compile("(?U)(?>[^\\W\\d]\\p{M}*+)+|\\d+|[^\\w\\s]");
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
Matcher matcher = ptrn.matcher(str);
while (matcher.find()) {
// => [This, `, 99, is, my, small, ", yy, ", xx, `, example_and_more]

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