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Copy table from one word document to another

I ran

Python Version: 2.7.12 |Anaconda 4.1.1 (64-bit)| (default, Jun 29 2016,  11:07:13) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
Pandas Version: 0.18.1
IPython Version: 4.2.0

and installed python-docx with

conda install -c conda-forge python-docx=0.8.6

I have a docx file with some tables in it and I would like either to

1) Copy some tables from the document to a new one, or

2) Remove some tables from the document,

lets say the first table, for 1) or 2).

For 1) I tried using this post here ( Python: Copy content from one word document to another word document and keeping format? ) but I get an

name 'opendocx' is not defined

error on the line

document = opendocx('xxxzzz.docx')

and if I replace opendocx with Document I get an

'Document' object has no attribute 'xpath'


I guess opendocx is used on an earlier version or something, so I cannot solve the issue.

Any suggestions?

That post refers to a prior version of python-docx , before it was rewritten to be object-oriented.

The documentation for python-docx is here:

You can't delete tables (yet), and you can't copy a whole object like a table either, so you would want to read the table from one document and reproduce it in the other, starting with document.add_table() .

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