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Is there any way to classify/ remove words (Exm. “Which”, “potential”, this, “are” etc.) using python from a list

I am currently working on project related to natural language processing and text mining i have write down a code to calculate the frequency of unique words in a text file.

Frequencey of:  trypanosomiasis --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  deadly --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  yellow --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  humanassociated --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  successful --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  potential --> 0.0058
Frequencey of:  which --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  cholera --> 0.01449
Frequencey of:  antimicrobial --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  hostdirected --> 0.0029
Frequencey of:  cameroon --> 0.0029

Is there any library or method that can remove common words, adjectives helping verbs etc. (Exm. "Which", "potential", this, "are" etc.) from a text file so that I can explore the or calculate the most likely occurrence of scientific terminology into a text data.

Usually in text analysis you remove stopwords - common words that hold little meaning about the text. These you can remove using nltk's stopwords (from https://pythonspot.com/en/nltk-stop-words/ ):

from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

data = "All work and no play makes jack dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy."
stopWords = set(stopwords.words('english'))
words = word_tokenize(data)
wordsFiltered = []

for w in words:
    if w not in stopWords:


If there are additional words you want to remove, you can just add them to the set stopWords

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