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array to string conversion in laravel 5.4

Please help me guys, i have a problem when i try to make a dropdown list using pluck function.

this is my controller code

public function tambah()
    $jabatan = jabatan::pluck('nama_jab', 'id_jab')->toArray();
    return view('anggota.tambah',compact('jabatan'));

and this is my view code

<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-2 control-label" id="ruangan_id">Jabatan</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
    {!! Form::select('id_jab',$jabatan,null,['class'=>'form-control','id_jab'=>'id_jab','placeholder'=>"Jabatan"]) !!}

this is model for jabatan

protected $table=['jabatan'];
public function anggota(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\anggota');

this is model for anggota

protected $table = 'anggota';
protected $guarded=['id'];

public function jabatan(){
    return $this->belongsTo('App\jabatan');

i want to show this data to my dropdown list

id_jab  nama_jab
1       manager
2       ka.divisi
3       staff
4       pekerja

end the error message:

ErrorException in Grammar.php line 36: Array to string conversion

please help me

Instead of:

$jabatan = jabatan::pluck('nama_jab', 'id_jab')->toArray();


$jabatan = jabatan::pluck('nama_jab', 'id_jab');


$jabatan = jabatan::get()->pluck('nama_jab', 'id_jab');

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