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Array to string conversion in laravel 5.4 , controllers

I'm getting array to conversion error while inserting multiple data , code which i mentioned below please take a look and somebody help me


                    foreach ($value as $v) 
                        $insert[] = ['name' => $v['name'], 'email' => $v['email'],'company_name' => $v['company_name'],'company_id' => $v['company_id'], 'emp_id' => $v['emp_id']];     
                         $role_id= $v['role_id'];
                         $data = array( 'name' => $name,'email' => $email , 'emp_id' => $emp_id);
                         $roles[]= $v['role_id']; 


                    foreach ($email_select as $key => $idget) 
                 $datas[]=['user_id' => $getid , 'role_id' => $roles];                  
                 $insert_role=DB::table('role_user')->insert($datas) ;

I'm getting error called array to string conversion while insert_role variable execution

(2/2) QueryException Array to string conversion (SQL: insert into role_user ( role_id , user_id ) values (1, 16))

Make $roles[]= $v['role_id']; to $roles= $v['role_id'];

And $getid[]=$idget->id; to $getid=$idget->id;

$roles and $getid are both arrays. I am guessing you want to assign all roles to all selected mail addresses. Then you would have to do the following:

    foreach ($email_select as $key => $idget) 
        foreach($roles as $role) {
            $datas[] = ['user_id' => $idget->id, 'role_id' => $role];

I think this should work.

instead of assigning in array, you are trying to assign as string, that is what causing you the error, possible fix is.

$roles[]= $v['role_id']; 

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