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Unexpected character “@” around position

I would like to create white list ips, that can connect to my api. Try to use Expression Language Component
But when I try add rule to security.yml

    - path: ^/v2/api
      allow_if: "request.getClientIp() in @=service('app.white_list_manager').getWhiteList()"

I have an error:

SyntaxError in Lexer.php line 90: Unexpected character "@" around position 25 for expression request.getClientIp() in @=service('app.white_list_manager').getWhiteList().

How I can solve it?
Symfony version 3.0.9

One workaround would be :

to simple define a listener that listens to kernel.request , inject your "@app.white_list_manager" and the "@request_stack" .

Then check what route you are on, and check the ip in the whitelistmanager, and act accordingly. (redirect, deny access, whatever)

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