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Remove character from resultset in Java

I have a problem with a value from my Sql ResultSet in Java. This value has a single quote (') and that is not valid value. The correct value will be a comma (,). I want to change this single quote(') for a comma (,).

Example of erroneous value: 7'8

Example of the expected result: 7,8

Example of my query and my ResulSet:

 String query = "SELECT width,height FROM SizeTable;";
 rs = st.executeQuery(query);

    String width = rs.getString(1);
    String height = rs.getString(2); <--- Here is on I get the error

 String insert = "INSERT INTO SizeTable2 (Value1,Value2) VALUES('"+width+"','"+height+"')";


After running I get a SQL message that indicates me an invalid syntax error in my SQL statement ( I want to "Insert Into" width and height value). I can't change this character with MySQL, only with Java.

You can use String::replace when you get your input :

String height = rs.getString(2).replace("'", ",");

You have to declare your variables outside the loop so you can use them later :

String width = "";
String height = "";
    width = rs.getString(1);
    height = rs.getString(2).replace("'", ",");

Now your sql is open to SQL Injection or Syntax error, to avoid this i suggest to use PreparedStatement instead :

String insert = "INSERT INTO SizeTable2 (Value1,Value2) VALUES(?, ?)";

try (PreparedStatement insert = connection.prepareStatement(insert)) {
    insert.setString(1, width);
    insert.setString(2, height);

Note you can insert an empty values so i suggest to check the values before the insert :

if(!width.isEmpty() && !height.isEmpty()){
  //prepared statement

second thing , i assume that we use real number for width and height so why you are using strings instead, i suggest to change your data type so you can avoid all this problems.

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