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no implicit conversion of String into Integer Ruby on Rails

I'm doing a dropdown field that gets it's values from another controller, I defined it like this:

def dropdown
        @tarefa_list = Tarefa.all.map { |c| [c.Numero] [c.Resumo]}

and call it like this:

<%= f.select :Tarefa, @tarefa_list, {}, {class: "dropdown"} %>

Numero being a integer and Resumo being a string

the error im getting when I try to view the form:

no implicit conversion of String into Integer

  • What can I do to fix this?

How about:

@tarefa_list = Tarefa.all.map { |c| [c.Numero, c.Resumo] }

And then:

<%= f.select :Tarefa do %>
  <% @tarefa_list.each do |c| -%>
    <%= content_tag(:option, c.first, value: c.last) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

It's not pretty but we can start from here.

(based on: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html#select-boxes-for-dealing-with-models )

Btw I think the no implicit conversion of String into Integer comes from the fact that expression [c.Numero] [c.Resumo] tries to get the c.Resumo element of an array defined of [c.Numero] So something like [1,2,3]['a'] As you can imagine it won't work.

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