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How can i remove the parentheses of a query result from sqlalchemy

I know this is something really simple to do but i'm not recalling how should i do it.

Basically, I want the result returned from the function select_data to be like:


and not like, what is currently being returned:

[(u'something',), (u'something_a',)(u'something_b',)]

Following, the block of the code that i'm using:

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Table, exc, and_
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from configurations import config_loader

hostname = config_loader.get('db_config', 'hostname')
db_name = config_loader.get('db_config', 'db_name')
db_port = config_loader.get('db_config', 'db_port')
login = config_loader.get('db_config', 'db_login')
pwd = config_loader.get('db_config', 'db_pwd')
sample_table = config_loader.get('db_tables', 'some_table')

con_string = 'mysql+mysqlconnector://{login}:{passwd}@{hostname}:{port}/{db}'

engine_str = con_string.format(
    login=login, passwd=pwd, hostname=hostname, port=db_port, db=db_name

    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_str, echo=False)
    session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    connection = engine.connect()
    session = session(bind=connection)
    Base = declarative_base()
except exc.SQLAlchemyError:

def select_data(server):
    t = Table(some_table, Base.metadata, autoload_with=engine)
    stm = session.query(t.c.data_name).filter(
        t.c.server == server
    return stm.all()

Your code returns list of tuples . You should extract tuples adding the following code:

raw_data = select_data(server)
data = [item[0] for item in raw_data]

One more way to the extracting:

import operator

raw_data = select_data(server)
data = map(operator.itemgetter(0), raw_data)

More information about SQLAlchemy .

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