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python regex match and replace beginning and end of string but keep the middle

I have a dataframe with holiday names. I have a problem that on some days, holidays are observed on different days, sometimes on the day of another holiday. Here are some example problems:

1  "Independence Day (Observed)"
2  "Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (Observed)"
3  "New Year's Eve, New Year's Day (Observed)"
4  "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day"

I want to replace all ' (Observed)' with '' and everything before a comma only if ' (Observed)' is matched. Output should be:

1  "Independence Day"
2  "Christmas Day"
3  "New Year's Day"
4  "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day"

I was able to do both independently:

 .replace(to_replace=' \(Observed\)', value='', regex=True)
 .replace(to_replace='.+, ', value='', regex=True))

but that caused a problem with 'Martin Luther King, Jr. Day'.


import re

input = [
    "Independence Day (Observed)",
    "Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (Observed)",
    "New Year's Eve, New Year's Day (Observed)",
    "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day"

for holiday in input:
    print re.sub('^(.*?, )?(.*?)( \(Observed\))$', '\\2', holiday)


> python replace.py 
Independence Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


  • ^ : Match at start of string.
  • (.*?, )? : Match anything followed by a command and a space. Make it a lazy match, so it doesn't consume the portion of the string we want to keep. The last ? makes the whole thing optional, because some of the sample input doesn't have a comma at all.
  • (.*?) : Grab the part we want for later use in a capturing group. This part is also a lazy match because...
  • ( \\(Observed\\)) : Some strings might have " (Observed)" on the end, so we declare that in a separate group here. The lazy match in the prior piece won't consume this.
  • $ : Match at end of string.

I suggest


Replace with r'\\1' backreference.

See the regex demo .

Pattern details :

  • ^ - start of string
  • (?:.*,\\s*)? - an optional sequence of:
    • .*, - any 0+ chars other than line break chars as many as possible, up to the last occurrence of , on the line and then the ,
    • \\s* - 0 or more whitespaces
  • \\b - a word boundary
  • ([^,]+) - 1 or more chars other than ,
  • \\s+ - 1 or more whitespaces
  • \\(Observed\\) - a literal substring (Observed)
  • .* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars as many as possible up to the line end.

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