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Pick the 3rd and 4th octet in an IP and assign it a hostname

In MS Access I am trying to sort IPs by their 3rd and 4th octet, and then have them sorted out as [IpAddress] and [HostName] in their respective column. The third octet will be linked to a server rack. Eg 1,22, or 121 and the 4th octet will be linked to its location in the rack. Eg s1, s22, or s121. So the IP will be sorted from a list and a query to build the HostName off of an IP. How could/should I go about doing this. I am not very experienced with MS access. I have tried useing an iif statement, but I am unable to get the desired results. I would like for the HostName to follow this nomenclature: 121s1. Thanks for all the help.

SELECT IIf(query1.Ipaddress Like '*.*.3.#', "1003s'#'", 22) AS HostName
FROM Query1;

This is the line that I am trying to use. However, it only will produce an output with the quotes around 1003a'#'. If I do not have the "" around it it will return "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression IIf(query1.Ipaddress Like ' . .3.#', 1003a'#', 22). With the quotes it puts exactly what is in the quotes (1003a'#'). 22 is just a place holder so I can an answer back in access. Maybe this will help with what I am asking for.

As @WEI_DBA suggests in a comment to the question, consider changing the way you store the IP addresses. Instead of a single string


you could store them as four separate integers

IpOctet1  IpOctet2  IpOctet3  IpOctet4
--------  --------  --------  --------
      10         0       121         1
      10         0        12        34

Then you could simply derive the HostName as

IpOctet3 & "s" & IpOctet4

and if you wanted the old representation for display purposes you could just use

IpOctet1 & "." & IpOctet2 & "." & IpOctet3 & "." & IpOctet4

After adding the 4 new Integer columns to your table you could populate them using VBA code like this:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub SplitIpAddresses()
    Dim cdb As DAO.Database
    Set cdb = CurrentDb
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Set rst = cdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE IpAddress IS NOT NULL", dbOpenDynaset)
    Do While Not rst.EOF
        Dim octets As Variant
        octets = Split(rst!IpAddress, ".")
        rst!IpOctet1 = octets(0)
        rst!IpOctet2 = octets(1)
        rst!IpOctet3 = octets(2)
        rst!IpOctet4 = octets(3)
End Sub

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