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How do I perform a join with a JSONB array structure in PostgreSQL

I'm struggling with the syntax for a join when I've got an array in stored in JSONB. I've searched for examples and I can't find the magic sauce that makes this work in PostgreSQL 9.6

I've got the following structure stored in a JSONB column in a table called disruption_history . The element is called data :

"message": {
        "id": 352,
        "preRecordedMessageList": {
            "preRecordedMessageCodes": [804, 2110, 1864, 1599]

I then have another standard table called message_library

component_code       | integer                | not null
message_text         | character varying(255) | not null

I'm trying to produce the text for each set of message codes. So something like

    message_library ml, disruption_history dh
->'preRecordedMessageCodes')) = ml.component_code

I get

ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer

even if I try to cast the numbers to integer I get argument of WHERE must not return a set.

Can someone help please?

select message_library.message_text 
from disruption_history
join lateral jsonb_array_elements_text(data->'message'->'preRecordedMessageList'->'preRecordedMessageCodes') v
on true
join message_library
on v.value::int = message_library.component_code

You can use the following query:

    CAST(dh.data->'message'->>'id' AS INTEGER) AS message_id, 
    disruption_history dh
    JOIN message_library ml 
        ON ml.component_code IN 
                AS INTEGER)
            ) ;

Note that I have used an explicit join (avoid the implicit ones!).

The trick here is to convert your preRecordedMessageCodes into a set of texts , by using the jsonb_array_elements_text function , that are further CAST to integer, and then compared to the ml.component_code (by using an IN condition):

You can check the whole setup at dbfiddle here

Note also that this structure produces an awful execution plan, that requires whole sequential scans of both tables. I have not been able to find any kind of index that helps the queries.

Note that this won't work if you have arrays with NULL s in them, which I assume wouldn't make sense.

Keeping order :

If you want to keep the elements of the array in order, you need to use a WITH ORDINALITY predicate to obtain not only the array element, but also its relative position, and use it to ORDER BY

-- Keeping order
    CAST(dh.data->'message'->>'id' AS INTEGER) AS message_id, 
    disruption_history dh
        WITH ORDINALITY AS x(mc, ord) /* We will want to use 'ord' to order by */
        ON true
    JOIN message_library ml ON ml.component_code = cast(mc AS INTEGER)
    message_id, ord ;

Watch this at dbfiddle here

Alternative :

If the structure of your json data is always the same, I would strongly recommend that you normalize your design (at least partially):

CREATE TABLE disruption_history_no_json
    disruption_history_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    message_id INTEGER,
    pre_recorded_message_codes INTEGER[]
) ;

CREATE INDEX idx_disruption_history_no_json_pre_recorded_message_codes
    ON disruption_history_no_json USING GIN (pre_recorded_message_codes) ;

Would allow for a much simpler and efficient and simpler query:

    disruption_history_no_json dh
    JOIN message_library ml 
        ON ml.component_code = ANY(pre_recorded_message_codes) ;

Check everything together at dbfiddle here

JSON(B) allows you not to normalize, and not to have to think much about your table structures, but you pay a steep price in performance and maintainability.

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