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How to choose the correct splitted string if it match the end of original String is it possible?

I'm having a hard time to find a solution for this issue:

// look we have two strings that have the same ending " day "
       String days[] = new String[] {"Sunday", "Monday"};
   // but here i want nday to be choosen for Monday
   // and day for Sonday
   String splDay[] = new String[] {"Mo","Sun","day","nday"};

What will happen now is that the endsWith Method will pick " day " instead of " nday "

for (String splt: splDay)
    if (days[0].endsWith(splt))
        //now it will pick
        Toast.makeText(this , splt , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Keep in mind that I'm dealing with 1000 of splitted words and I want to pick the correct one that I meant it to be for the original word? Is it possible?

i had to do this idea :

String days[] = new String[] {"Sunday", "Monday"};

String splDay[] = new String[] {"Mo","Sun","day","nday"};

String AnswersArray[][] = new String[][]{  {"Sun","day"} ,{"Mo", "nday"}  };

it's not professional way but what can i do.. that's all i got.

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