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How to insert a list of object to mysql stored procedure

I have a controller that accepts a list of object then insert it to database I already done it but I think my code will have a problem if there will be a large of data.

My code

     public void SaveAnswers(List<questionModel.SAVEDANSWER> answers, int userid)
        string query = "INSERT INTO answer (QUESTIONID,USERANSWERID, USERID) VALUES (@qid, @aid,@uid);";
        using (MySqlConnection myconn = new MySqlConnection(cmn.connstring))
            for (int i = 0; i <= answers.Count - 1; i++)
                using (MySqlCommand myCmd = new MySqlCommand(query, myconn))
                    myCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    MySqlParameter questionid = myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qid", answers[i].QUESTIONID);
                    myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qid", answers[i].QUESTIONID);
                    myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@aid", answers[i].ANSWERID);
                    myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", userid);

I did something similar in my SQL Server. I inserted the list of object to data table then pass the data table to the stored procedure.

In my stored procedure in SQL Server, I have a table parameter.

Can I do something like that in MySQL?

you can use multiple insert rows approach with List builder(assume all are integers)

 public void SaveAnswers(List<questionModel.SAVEDANSWER> answers, int userid)
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO answer (QUESTIONID,USERANSWERID, USERID) VALUES";

        using (MySqlConnection myconn = new MySqlConnection(cmn.connstring))
            List<String> Rows = new List<String>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= answers.Count - 1; i++)
              Rows.Add(string.Format("({0},{1},{2})", (answers[i].QUESTIONID), (answers[i].ANSWERID),(answers[i].userId)));
        query.Append(string.Join(",", Rows));
        using (MySqlCommand myCmd = new MySqlCommand(query.ToString(), myconn))
            myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

If you are using C#6, you can try string interpolation to your query inside of a foreach statement.

public void SaveAnswers(List<questionModel.SAVEDANSWER> answers, int userid)
    using (MySqlConnection myconn = new MySqlConnection(cmn.connstring))
        foreach(var item in answers)
            //do string interpolation of your query.
            var myCmd = new MySqlCommand($@"INSERT INTO answer (QUESTIONID,USERANSWERID, USERID) VALUES ({item.QUESTIONID}, {item.ANSWERID},{userid})", myconn))
            myCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

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