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Deleting partitions in impala dynamically

Impala allow to add partitions dynamically as following.

insert into table1 partition (part_col1="merged",part_col2,part_col3) 
select  col1,col2,col3,part_col2,part_col3 from table2 where 

So it will add multiple partitions depending upon the results from the select query.But when it comes to dropping the partitions there does not seem to be equivalent. is there ? You have to explicitly specify partitions to be dropped.

alter table table1 drop 

I can not just say something like

alter table table1 drop partition(part_col1="A",part_col2,part_col3)


Dropping multiple partitions is possible with Impala 2.8+

The documentation states "In Impala 2.8 and higher, the expression for the partition clause with a DROP or SET operation can include comparison operators such as <, IN, or BETWEEN, and Boolean operators such as AND and OR."

For an example see https://stackoverflow.com/a/45550350/4202225 where the second Demo shows how to drop a range of partitions

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